IC1101 World Token - $IWT

Last updated: 2024/05/09

IC1101 World Token - $IWT is the utility and governance token of IC1101.

IC1101 provides $IWT rewards for loyalty players, early participants, ecosystem partners and builders.

  • Total Supply: 10,000,000,000

  • Initial Supply at TGE: TBD

  • Contract address: TBD

Acquisition of Tokens

  • Space Upgrade and Mining: By purchasing decorative items with coins, the space level increases. After reaching a certain level, the upgraded space can produce a certain amount of $IWT.

  • Staking Mechanism: IC1101 will gradually open up staking scenarios, allowing users to stake NFT assets or $IWT within IC1101 and receive a certain amount of $IWT as rewards.

  • Airdrop: Early participants who acquire a certain amount of $IEC have the opportunity to receive airdrops.

Usage of Tokens

  • Purchase blind boxes: $IWT can be used to purchase blind boxes which include rare assets for upgrading the space.

  • Space Reset: In the event of inadequate cleanliness and prolonged neglect, a space will be subject to closure. By using $IWT as payment, it is possible to initiate a space reset and reactivate it.

  • Leaderboard Admission: By purchasing tickets with $IWT, you can participate in quarterly space leaderboards. There is an opportunity to share the rewards from leaderboard reward pool.

  • Advertising Placement: It is possible to purchase advertising positions within the IC1101 Metaverse using $IWT as payment.

  • Governance: TBD

Value Accrual

  • Medium of exchange

  • Better Metaverse experience

  • Buyback and Burn

    • Part of protocol revenue will be directed to buyback of circulating $IWT, which will then be burnt to create deflationary effects. Additionally, tax on in-game $IWT transactions will be burnt.

    • The idea is for the community to share the growth and achievement of IC1101 Metaverse.

  • Staking

    • $IWT can be staked to receive streaming $IWT that will be distributed periodically.

  • Governance: TBD

Token Allocation (Last Updated: 2024/05/08)

Vesting and Emission (Updated:2024/05/08)

  • Team (18%)

    • Vesting: 6 month cliff after TGE, unlocked linearly in 36 months

  • Fundraising (18%)

    • Private Round (15%)

      • Vesting: 6 month cliff after TGE, unlocked linearly in 24 months

    • Public Round (3%)

      • Vesting: TBD

  • Treasury and Reserve (25%)

    • Operation Fund (5%) - Used for bootstrapping, marketing and liquidity management.

      • Vesting: No lockup, 12 month linear vesting

    • Partnership Fund (5%)

      • Vesting: 2 month cliff after TGE, unlocked linearly in 12 months

    • Long-Term Reserve (15%)

      • Long-term lockup. The reserve will not be used in the near future. A portion of the protocol revenue is streamed to this vault. It will be managed by the community once the governance structure matures.

    • Community (39%)

      • Airdrop (7%)

        • Emission: TBD

      • Space Ranking (5%)

        • Emission: TBD

      • X to Earn (15%) - 15% are allocated to the x-to-earn incentive programmes. Decorating your spaces, upgrading rare wearables and items, collecting a full set of NFT furniture and many other actions will grant you a share of IC tokens.

        • Emission: TBD

      • Staking (8%) - Liquidity providers who stake tokens in designated pools share 8% of the IC token supply. LP shares of the staking yields are determined pro rata.

        • Emission: TBD

      • Business Incentive Pool (5%)

Last updated